Student Directory Opt-Out Information
Directory Information
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Holt Public Schools may publish directory information that includes the names of student’s parents, the student’s name, address, class designation, photo, date of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members, awards received, previous schools attended by the student, and similar directory information.
This directory information is used in school publications, yearbooks, activity and athletic programs, television productions, websites, as well as inquiries from community partners, other schools, and potential employers.
Upon request, the District may provide to military recruiters the name, address, and telephone listing of secondary students, unless the parent has submitted a written request to our District to opt-out of such a disclosure. In addition, the District shall provide military recruiters with the same access to directory information as is provided to prospective employers.
Holt Public Schools may not share any of the following checked directory information with anyone outside of the District.
When completed, the Directory Information Opt-Out Form can be turned into your school office.